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My name is Lauren and I am Lou and Miles's mama, wife, recipe creator, beer lover, dog and cat adopter, foodie, Costco fan, Texas native, and Kansas City local. I was born and raised in Fort Worth, but spread my wings by going to the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS (Rock Chalk!). I always planned to return right back to my beloved Texas, but then fell in love with a boy from Kansas. Taylor and I have been married since 2014. We welcomed our son, Louis in August 2018 and Miles in June 2021. I spend my days as a stay-at-home mom, but if you follow along on my Instagram, breadandkaleenthusiast, then you know the boys and I love to get out of the house as much as possible! 

I started Bread and Kale Enthusiast mid-2015 when I first began my journey with nutrition, recipe creation, and touring all of KC's best restaurants. Food is meant to be enjoyed, but our bodies also need to be nourished which is why I am an enthusiast for both bread and kale (and cheese and turmeric and pie and smoothies and ice get the picture). Since becoming a stay-at-home mom to Lou, it has come to mean so much more to me so I expanded Bread & Kale with this blog in order to share more mom life, Kansas City adventures, recipes, favorite products, tips, and more. 

Follow along with me here, Instagram, and Pinterest while I create more recipes, explore Kansas City & beyond with Lou and Miles, and journey through motherhood.  

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